IME Specialties |
Clinical and Forensic Neuropsychologist,
Areas of Expertise |
Expert in
neuropsychology, closed head injury, effects of
psychological and physical trauma, criminal and
civil competency, false confession, family law
custody evaluations, evaluation of child sexual
abuse allegations, expert in disability for social
security administration and dept of health and human
services, evaluation of fitness for mental health
Expert consultant,
Dept. of Consumer
Affairs, enforcement division, board of behavioral
sciences; asst professor, Psychiatry and behavioral
Keck School of
Medicine, USC, book in
progress, complex forensic assessment and
psychological evaluations.
Medical Expert Witness Specialties |
Competency, short and long term disability, false
confession, sexual abuse allegations, personal
injury, short and long term disability, effects of
physical and psychological trauma on children,
competency wills.
Degrees |
Years in Practice |
Number of File Reviews |
Depositions |
Trials |
Average monthly hours
spent in direct patient care |
a lot! |
IME Certification |
IME, State of
Societies |
American Chemical Society
National Academy of Neuropsychology
American Psychology Law Society, Division 41
American Psychological Association
Society for Personality Assessment
Association of Family and Conciliation
Courts (AFCC)
American College of Forensic Psychiatry
Forensic Expert Witness Association
Orange County Peace Officers Association
California Psychological Association
Orange County Psychological Association
California Coalition on Sexual Offending
American Academy
of Forensic Sciences (AAFS)
California Board of Psychology - Expert
Positions Held in
Professional Societies |
Orange County Psychological Association
Information and Referral Service
Inland Southern California
Psychological Association
Independent Medical
Provided consultative services to the
State of
California Employment Development Department
concerning psychological evaluation of individuals
applying for disability. Provide second opinion
psychological evaluations on disability.
Private Practice |
- 1977 – Present, Marriage,
Family, and Child Counseling
- 1980 – Present, Clinical Psychology
Education |
BA - Degree in Psychology
University of
Degree in Clinical Psychology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Program in Psychology
Attended the New School for Social Research
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
United States International University
Current Educational
Endeavors |
Ongoing forensic supervision and consultation and
continuing education from member of
American College
of Forensic Psychology and Forensic Committee.
Currently pursuing board certification in forensic
University Affiliations |
- Instructor,
UCLA extension
- Instructor, UCI extension
- Assistant Clinical Professor, Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences
Keck School of
2005 - July 2006
- Graduate Faculty, Forensic
Psychology Program,
- Guest Lecturer, Ethical Issues
in Forensic Psychology, Argosy
November 8, 2008
- External Reader, Ph.D.
Dissertation Committee, Pacifica
Graduate Institute
December 2008
- Fieldwork Supervisor Clinical
Research Interns
Faculty Appointments |
Assistant Clinical Professor,
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
Keck School of Medicine, University
of Southern California
July 1, 2005
- July 1, 2006
Doctoral Dissertation Committee
Member, Pacifica University
Honors |
Certifications /
Licenses |
- Licensed Psychologist,
- Licensed Psychologist,
- Licensed Marriage, Family, Child
Counselor, California
- National Register of Health
Services Providers in Psychology
- Independent Medical Examiner
appointment by State of California
- Certified Expert in
Forensic Psychology in San
Bernardino and Orange Counties
- Court Appointed Expert,
San Bernardino County Superior Court
Adult and Juvenile Panel
- Court Appointed Expert, Orange
County Superior Court Adult and
Juvenile Panel
- Court Appointed Expert,
Los Angeles County Superior Court,
Adult and Juvenile Panel
- Court Appointed Expert, Kern
County Superior Court, Adult and
Juvenile Panel
- Expert Child Custody
Evaluator, Orange County, San
Bernardino and Riverside
Areas of Expertise |
Family Law
- 730 evaluations of child
sexual abuse allegations in custody
disputes and dependency proceedings
- Evaluation and treatment of
Department of Social Services cases
involving molestation referred by
the Courts
- Mediation of visitation and
disputes in cases referred by the
- Psychological evaluation of
individuals in adoptions and
termination of parental rights cases
- 730 psychological evaluations
for child custody
- Conduct bonding studies for
Orange County Juvenile Court
- 733 expert in Family Court
custody matters
Criminal Law
- Evaluation of competency to
stand trial (published in area)
- Evaluation of sanity at the time
of an offense
- Evaluation of individuals
charged with Penal Code 288 offenses
- Evaluation/analysis of criminal
intent and state of mind (published
in area)
- Evaluation of learning disabled
- Evaluation of juveniles in cases
pursuant to Welfare and Institutions
Code 707
- Psychological evaluation
of minors in contested dispositional
- Analysis of voluntariness of
confessions and Miranda issues
Personal Injury
- Evaluation of individuals in
insurance defense cases
- Evaluation of plaintiffs in
personal injury cases
Evaluation of Sexual
Deviance |
- Served on task force reporting to San
Bernardino County Juvenile Court on assessment
of risk with sex offenders
- Testified as 733 expert in evaluation of
sexual deviance in Orange County Family Law
- Requested to give presentation on
psychological assessment of sexual molestation
to Minor’s Counsel section of Orange County
Superior Court (CLE presentation)
- Testify as expert for Orange County District
Attorney in sexual molestation matters
- Conduct 288.1 P.C. psychological evaluations
for Criminal Court
- Testify as expert in analysis of police
interview techniques in child molestation
- Conduct expert psychological evaluations of
sexually violent predators Certified in
administration and interpretation of Abel
Inventory of Sexual Interests Protocol
- Ongoing participation in research on various
types of sex offenders
Neuropsychology |
- Expert in neuropsychology
- Training and consultation with Dr. Ralph
Reitan (author of Halstead-Reitan and
Neuropsychological Test Battery)
- Specialized training in administration and
interpretation of Luria Nebraska
Neuropsychological Test Battery
- Neuropsychological Test Battery
- Specialized Neuropsychological testing for
physicians and neurologists
- Seminars, symposia and laboratory in
neuroanatomy and neurophysiology taught by
faculty of Jefferson Medical School at Delaware
State Hospital
- Specialized evaluation of individuals with
closed head trauma and traumatic brain injury
- Neuropsychological assessment of disorders
and diagnosis of partial complex seizure
disorder and other neurological disorders
Curriculum Vitae (CV) |
CV of Dr. Michael J. Perrotti, PhD, IME 
TV Media Expertise |
Expert Consultant
Crime Scene,
Specialized Experience
with Law Enforcement |
- Assisted Police Departments of Brea,
Anaheim, Santa Ana and Yorba Linda with
assessment and management of combative and
psychotic individuals whom I evaluated with
police for appropriate WIC 5150 certification
- Participated in ride-alongs with law
enforcement; assisted officers with evaluation
and disposition of problematic suspects with
substance abuse issues
- Evaluation of treatment of officers involved
in traumatic experiences, i.e., police pursuit,
injured in high speed pursuit and officer
involved shootings
- Psychological evaluation of officers for
peace officer position
- Civilian responder, Professional Services
Reserve, Orange County Sheriff
Assessment and
Treatment of Juvenile Offenders |
- Involved in training of youth counselors at
California Youth Authority in crisis
intervention assessment techniques as well as
treatment planning
- Conducted psychological evaluations for
Youthful Offenders Parole Board in the area of
annual review and readiness for parole as well
as treatment recommendations and evaluations
concerning extension of commitment issues
- Ph.D. dissertation conducted on treatment of
youthful offenders at California Youth Authority
Facility in Chino
Crisis Intervention |
Provided crisis intervention, consultation and
services to law enforcement and assessment of
mentally disordered and substance abusing
individuals; assisted police in evaluating
dangerousness to self and others in these
Employee Assistance
Plan Services |
Provided crisis intervention, assessment, and
treatment services to private industry concerning
assessment and treatment of employees’ psychological
and career problems.
Consulting Positions |
- Consultant to the
Bishop of the Diocese of
San Bernardino, 1980-1986
- Selection Testing of Applicants for Seminary
and Ordination to the Deaconate and Ordination
to Priesthood, 1980-1986
- Outpatient treatment of nuns, brothers,
deacons, seminarians, and priests for the
Diocese of San Bernardino, 1980-1986
- Consulting forensic psychologist services
performed for CSI: Crime Scene Investigation on
CBS television, Vanished, and Numbers.
Government Expert |
Expert testimony and case review of remanded SSI
cases for Social Security Administration Government
expert for review of psychological providers care;
scrutinize for medical necessity and appropriate
level of care.
Experience |
Psychiatric Social Worker
June 1966–September 1966, Wilmington Mental Hygiene
Clinic, Wilmington, Delaware. Interviewed
individuals for case histories. Conducted individual
group and family therapy. Member of Community
Emergency Crisis Intervention Team. Visited
patient’s home when emergencies arose.
Psychological Assistant
June 1967–September 1967, Central State Hospital,
Petersburg, Virginia. Conducted psychodiagnostic
evaluations, vocational testing and career
counseling. Aided patients in achieving effective
adjustment. Reported test results and made
recommendations regarding disposition of cases at
weekly multi-disciplinary team conference.
Lecturer and Teaching Assistant
September 1966–August 1968, Virginia Common-wealth
University, Richmond, Virginia. Taught classes in
Experimental Psychology and Clinical Psychology.
Designed and scored tests.
Consulting Psychologist
September 1968–March 1969, Virginia Department of
Vocational Rehabilitation, Richmond, Virginia.
Conducted Psychological evaluations and outpatient
psychotherapy with individuals referred by the
Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Prepared
psychological reports. Assisted in disposition of
Psychology Instructor
May 1975–May 1976, Goldey Beacom College,
Wilmington, Delaware. Taught Psychology and
Sociology in special Veterans evening division.
Psychological Assistant
1975. Individual, group, conjoint and family therapy
and psychodiagnostic evaluations for private
practice group.
Staff Clinical Psychologist II
March 1969–May 1976, Delaware State Hospital,
New Castle, Delaware. Provided psychological
services for a 220 acute chronic care unit and
periodically acted as Unit Director. Examined new
admissions, conducted clinical interviews, mental
status examinations and diagnostic workshops.
Administered selected, scored and interpreted
results of a wide variety of psychological tests.
Per-formed psychological evaluations of considerable
difficulty. Participated in classifying and
diagnosing cases. Completed psychodiagnostic
evaluations of adolescents and adults.
Conducted individual, conjoint, group and family
therapy within patients suffering from a wide range
of disorders. Examined defendants for competency to
stand trial in criminal and civil proceedings in
Family, Municipal and United States District Court
and gave testimony. Supervised psychologists,
interns, and nurses. Taught therapeutic and
diagnostic techniques to students and volunteers.
Received supervision from Board Certified
Psychologists and Psychiatrists. Periodically served
as Acting Chief Psychologist.
Psychology Associate; Staff Psychologist;
Senior Psychologist
June 1976–May 1983, California Youth Authority,
Youth Training School, Chino, California. Aided in
the formation and implementation of comprehensive
psychological services program for the institution.
Conducted individual and group psychotherapy.
Treated individuals suffering from drug and alcohol
addiction and various psychological problems.
Supervised and trained staff in treatment
techniques and crisis intervention. Conducted
psychodiagnostic and psychotherapeutic evaluations
for the California Youth Authority Board. Consultant
to the First Offenders Program. Directed
multidisciplinary team conferences. Provided
treatment support services to specialized counseling
program. Trained psychiatric nurses and other
paraprofessional staff in group and individual
therapy techniques. Supervised psychology interns.
Formulated individual treatment programs. Supervised
psychological and psychiatric staff. In charge of
development and implementation of psychological
services contracts. Trained psychiatric nurses,
interns, and staff. Conducted consultative services
for the entire institution. Conducted evaluations
and offered testimony before Youth Authority Board.
Conducted performance evaluations of psychologists.
Prepared and approved invoices for contract
psychologists and consulting psychiatrists.
Performed evaluations for the Youth Authority Board,
medical staff, and youth counselors. Formulated
individualized treatment plans. Performed crisis
Consultant, Psychological Treatment Services
July 1992–November 1992. Clinical
neuropsychological and behavioral screening of
at-risk infants and children. Psycho-logical testing
to assist in identifying psycho educational,
psychological and neuropsychological problems.
Short-term interventions with families. Liaison with
Department of Social Services and Foster Family
Agency to effect and implement recommendations.
Clinical assessment, individual and group
psychotherapy, clinical hypnosis. Treatment of
adults, adolescents and children.
Probable Cause Hearing Officer
March 1994–County of Orange.
Book Publications |
Careers in Forensic Psychology, Michael Perrotti,
Ph.D., in
Insider’s Guide to the Psychology Major
and Careers, A. Rezec, APA Books, Washington, D.C.,
Advanced Forensic Assessment, Michael J. Perrotti,
Ph.D., in process
Scholarly Articles &
Publications |
Differentiating Delinquents from Non-Delinquents
using the Masculinity-Femininity of Interests Scale
of the Strong Vocational Interest Blank, Virginia
Commonwealth University, 1968
The Effects of Direct Decision Therapy on Locus
of Control, Aggression and Self-Concept in Juvenile
Offenders, United States International University,
Pending publication: Evaluation of Competency to
Stand Trial
Psychologists Assessment of Competency to Stand
Trial, The California Psychologist, July 1997
Neuropsychological Aspects of Stimulant and
Depressant Abuse, Special Issue, Neuropsychology,
the California Psychologist, August 1997; published
in Virginia Academy of Clinical Psychologists
Expert Testimony |
- Conducted psychological evaluations of minors as to
fitness in juvenile court matters
- Analysis of criminal intent in defendants; have
extensively testified at jury trials on the issue of
criminal intent
- Lectured and conducted workshops for peers on the
psychological assessment of defendants as to
competency to stand trial
- Testified as an expert witness and am published
in the area of stimulant and depressant use,
especially as it affects the brain and brain
behavior relationships
- Testified on and recently had a paper accepted in
the American College of Forensic Psychology on false
confessions; provided expert testimony on
involuntariness of confessions
- Testified as an expert on interview protocols and
police interrogation techniques as concerns child
molestation allegations
- Testified for the prosecution and defense in
matters of competency to stand trial as well as
extension of commitment as concerns the issue of
- Conducted psychological assessments and testified
as an expert in the area of bonding studies and
potential for reunification in dependency court
- Testified in juvenile court matters in cases of
contested disposition
- Lectured to peers and testified as an expert on
the psychological analysis of learning disabled
defendants in criminal matters
Conducted psychological assessments
and testified for the defense and plaintiff in
personal injury matters
Conducted psychological evaluation
of minors and learning disabled defendants in an
analysis of defendant’s capacity to understand
Conducted psychological assessment
of defendants in sex offender cases, both as to
suitability for probation as well as dispositional
matters for Juvenile and Adult Criminal Court
Conducted psychological evaluation
of criminal defendants as to the matter of sanity in
criminal proceedings
Conducted analysis of video and
audio feeds in police vehicles and related this
material to matters such as competency of defendants
during police interrogation, as well as matters of
state of mind of defendants during allegations
Conducted crisis intervention and
psychological evaluation of defendants for the
police in the field concerning substance abuse
evaluations and evaluation of individuals to assist
law enforcement as to whether individual is
dangerous to self or others to warrant an
involuntary commitment hold in a psychiatric
Conducted fitness testing for law
enforcement applicants
Conducted evaluations to assess
competency of criminal defendants to enter into plea
bargain agreements
Testified as expert witness in
evaluating law enforcement interview techniques in
matters involving child sexual abuse and molestation
Testified as expert witness in
matters pertaining to criminal street gangs
Served as psychologist for
California Youth Authority and conducted
psychological evaluations for Youthful Offenders
Parole Board as well as on issues of amenability for
adult court
Conducted analysis of mental state
and neurological status and correlated with serum
alcohol levels as well as with chemical tests of
stimulants and depressants
Analyzed non-verbal and verbal
behavior of criminal defendants and presented data
to juries
Served as consultant to counsel and
assisted with questioning of expert witnesses
Appointed as expert evaluator for
Board of Prison Terms in psychological assessment of
mentally disordered offenders
Served as expert for prosecution
with assistance in cases involving state of mind
during the allegations as well as competency matters
Retained by prosecution and defense
in false confession cases
Qualified as an expert and testified
on eye witness identification
Qualified as an expert and testified
in the area of psychological autopsy
Qualified as an expert and testified
in the area of death penalty cases
Evaluated geriatric clients in court
proceedings to evaluate competency as a witness
Court appointed expert in custody
and visitation matters
Court appointed expert in juvenile
court criminal matters, i.e., juvenile fitness,
competency, and contested dispositions
Court appointed expert in dependency
court matters, i.e., reunification
Psychological evaluation of
individuals involved in terrorist acts against
individuals and institutions
Qualified and testified as
psychological expert in personal injury civil
Testify as expert for District
Attorney in sexual molestation matters, competency,
and sanity
Expert analysis of the effects of
pornography on children
Psychological expert in analysis of
the effects of sexual abuse and trauma on children
Psychological expert on the effects
of posttraumatic stress disorder
Documentaries |
Interviewed for New Zealand television documentary
on high-profile murder in Aukland, New Zealand,
Great Journeys Film Productions, October 28, 2008
Expert Peer Review
Consultation |
Expert consultant and expert witness, State of
Jurisdictions of
Licensure |
- Licensed Psychologist,
- Licensed Psychologist,
- Licensed Marriage, Family, Child Counselor
- California National Register of Health
Services Providers in Psychology
- Independent Medical Examiner appointment by
State of California 1990-present
- Certified Expert in Forensic Psychology in
San Bernardino and Orange Counties
- Court Appointed Expert, San Bernardino
County Superior Court Adult and Juvenile Panel
- Court Appointed Expert, Orange County
Superior Court Adult and Juvenile Panel
- Court Appointed Expert, Los Angeles County
Superior Court, Adult and Juvenile Panel
- Court Appointed Expert, Kern County Superior
Court, Adult and Juvenile Panel
- Expert Child Custody Evaluator, Orange
County, San Bernardino, and Riverside
Curriculum Vitae (CV) |
CV of Dr. Michael J. Perrotti, PhD, IME 
States Licensure |
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